Articles on: Code Signing Certificates

What is the difference between Standard (OV) and EV Code Signing Certificates?

DigiCert OV Code Signing (Organization Validated)

Software signed with this certificate, when run, will display a screen with your company name and ask if you want to continue with the installation, but it will not be a warning message.
Reputation is built organically as downloads and installations of the software increase.

DigiCert EV Code Signing (Extended Validated)

Software signed with this certificate, when run, will not display a confirmation screen before continuing with the installation.
The DigiCert EV Code Signing certificate provides instant recognition with the Microsoft SmartScreen reputation scanner.
To qualify for EV Code Signing certification, a company must have been in operation for three years.

To buy or renew an Code Signing certificate, check out our offers:

Updated on: 02/11/2023

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